If you’re interested in adding to the Web 2.0 goodness, you’ve got to start understanding APIs. Here’s a collection to get you started.
Google APIs
Web API - With the Google Web APIs service, software developers can query more than 8 billion web pages directly from their own computer programs.
Desktop - The Google Desktop Search SDK empowers software developers to integrate GDS into their own applications.
Adwords - Google’s free AdWords API service lets developers engineer computer programs that interact directly with the AdWords server.
Maps - The Google Maps API lets developers embed Google Maps in their own web pages with JavaScript. You can add overlays to the map (including markers and polylines) and display shadowed “info windows” just like Google Maps.
Yahoo APIs
Flickr - Share photos with your friends
Maps - Here is a very easy way to display your geographical content, or build a store locator.
Music - Customize the Yahoo! Music Engine
Search - Integrate Web, image, news search and more
Y!Q - Contextual search that returns intelligent results based on content
RSS- Integrate Yahoo! content with your site or app
Amazon Web Services- Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides software developers direct access to Amazon’s ever-growing technology platform and product data. Developers are empowered to innovate and build businesses by creating dynamic, highly-effective Web sites and Web applications.
Ebay API - Normally, users buy and sell items using the eBay online interface, interacting with eBay directly. But with the eBay API, you communicate directly with the eBay database in XML format. By using the API, your application can provide a custom interface, functionality and specialized operations not otherwise afforded by the eBay interface.
MSN Desktop Search API - Windows Desktop Search, which is installed with MSN Search Toolbar, will find anything on your computer’s e-mail messages, calendar appointments, photos, documents, and more.
PayPal API - Read a little more about Paypal’s intentions in Jay Lyman’s article.
del.icio.us API and some
EVDB API - The EVDB Web Services API allows you to build tools and applications that interact with EVDB, the Events & Venues Database.
Upcoming.org - Upcoming.org is a collaborative event calendar, completely driven by people like you.
BBC API - Apparently, they’re thinking about it.

it will be useful to put api roundup in a wiki page.So everybody will be able to add an api.
I already did that on a french wiki community :
maybe missing some apis ? :)
you did not talk about Yahoo mindset, the only service that Google does not have :) (talk about it on my weblog, but sorry it’s in french ;-) ) ++
Need updates: http://developers.facebook.com/documentation.php?v=1.0&doc=fql