Sorry about that, but I got a bet going with Chris about buzz words and headlines. If you can think of something better, let us know. If you can’t, Chris owes me a prime-rib dinner at Ponderosa with buffet and salad bar.
Hey, I’m a hungry boy.

Sorry about that, but I got a bet going with Chris about buzz words and headlines. If you can think of something better, let us know. If you can’t, Chris owes me a prime-rib dinner at Ponderosa with buffet and salad bar.
Hey, I’m a hungry boy.
So your allowed to create an entry with a title like this, and I am not allowed to write “Mayhaps on the Morrow”? That’s fair :(
Doesn’t seem like the Google Ad is liking it too much either with its Public Service Ads. Hah, but seriously, I’d like to know the outcome of this. It is very interesting how some say a few keywords in a heading can do wonders that are in hot topic.
What about ViAgRa? Or Web 2.0?
I’ll give you web 2.0 but viagra just doesn’t make me say,”I gotta click this!”.
I find it disturbing that the Google ads are for Kaballah.
Audio-book porn?
Surely “Free PSP filled with Pr0n via AJAX” is more.. err.. ‘1337-@ttr@ct1ng’.
“Make millions online testing Mac Mini’s with Mactel Processors”
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.