You know that idea you have? The really great one that you’ll do one day? With mega-buyouts taking place almost daily and venture capital flowing again, now might be a good time to start getting it into gear. If you’re in need of some inspiration or just more information about the current “boom”, check out these articles:
RSS Lures Venture Capital Dollars — “A group of investors has created a venture capital fund to raise $100 million to fund start-ups and others developing technology based on the RSS Web publishing format.”
Dynamic shift in way consumers access Web news — “At The New York Times’ Web site, referrals from RSS feeds account for only 2% of traffic but represent the fastest growth — 8.5 million page views in June compared with about a half million in late 2003.”
Angel Investors Return, And They Are Serious — “In Little Rock, though, Jeff Stinson, who runs Fund For Arkansas, which recently collected $5.3 million from 48 local investors, says he is having trouble finding good places to spend the money. “There is a lack of quality deals,” he frets.”
Dot-com mania, part II? — “I hesitate to characterize this is as comparable to what was going on in the late 1990s,” said Scott Kessler, an equity analyst with Standard & Poor’s. “Not every Internet stock is doing well.”
Personally, I’ve been excited about the resurgence of activity since the SXSW 2005 conference, when I heard Marc Nathan and Blair Garrou talk on their panel, How to Obtain Start-Up Funding: The Care and Feeding of Angel Investors, about how they have not seen this much activity since the bubble burst.