Things may be little slow / weird around here today because we’re trying to prepare our entry for the Y!Q Challenge. We were impressed by what the Y!Q floating search thing actually looks like and hope the enhancements will actually improve the site in addition making some bling. We just heard about the challenge yesterday, but if you were late in finding out (like us) go sign up now.
In case some of these beauties might have slipped by you, make sure you check them out as well:
Essential Fonts For Designers is a dream come true for me. I’m basically blind when it comes to typography, so it’s good to not have to get yelled at by Kevin when I need something quick.
Essiential Bookmarks for Web Designers Not much to elaborate on there.
The Behaviour Layer is a copy of a presentation Jeremy Keith gave at @media which provides useful javascript tips for separation.
HTML 5 VS XHTML 2 is a nice overview by the good folks at Ajaxian.
Hide CSS from Browsers using @import is something Kevin said was interesting