While RSS feeds and social bookmarking services are great ways to find the new hotness, the whole system still requires a few people to do the actual grunt work and find the good/innovative stuff to bookmark. Is there a way to beat the middle man? Well, one great place to look for intelligent discussions on current (or even future) web development trends is academia. This past weekend I used a lot of Google Scholar goodness to read up on what our university systems have been cranking out. Here are some highlights:
A JavaScript Wrapper for Making Asynchronous Function and Object Method Calls - This was actually written in 2003! Basically, an AJAX toolkit for making asynch calls to data.
Decorative Color as a Rhetorical Enhancement on the World Wide Web
Video google: A text retrieval approach to object matching in videos
Automatic Identification of User Goals in Web Search - This was actually from Dell Zhang’s blog, Research on Search. Great posts there if you’re interested in search.
Topic Distillation Using Query-Sensitive Tuning and Cohesiveness Filtering
Cost-effective creation of search engines specialized by document type
‘Created by everybody’: Engaging participation with mobile interfaces
Folksonomies-Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata