Sparklines, the new rage in visualizing information on the web comes, not surprisingly, from the godfather of the medium, Edward Tufte. What are sparklines?
>”Sparklines are data-intense, design-simple, word-sized graphics.”
>Edward Tufte - Beautiful Evidence
And here’s how you can make them.
Flash Sparklines - scroll down for actionscript
XAML Sparklines - useful for Vista developers
And if you can’t figure out any of the bad boys above, just use this Web 2.0 app.

Wow, all these new APIs. When I first reported on this back in, hell I forget, I believe the PHP version from James Byers was the only one available. I’m sure someone is going to jump in and say wrong, wrong…and that’s fine. I’m a big Tufte fan, so seeing his ideas in practice as open-source is twice as nice.
Another python sparklines implementation, this one on Nokia mobile phone (python for series 60)
Do you know how to compiler Flash in C#? Thanks
google is the good search engine.
google is the good search engine.
That’s great. I’ll have to play around with the WordPress plugin. Is that the same one that grabs the data from awstats?
Sparklines for Excel: * Line, column, pie and bar charts * Sparklines with rich formatting * Bullet graphs for dashboard gauges * Costing as low as $49
Sparklines for Excel: * Line, column, pie and bar charts * Sparklines with rich formatting * Bullet graphs for dashboard gauges * Costing as low as $49 MicroCharts
I have been producing these in excel using the usual graphing functions and they look perfect. They are more dynamic than those I have paid for (such as Bizzants & Bonavista). Just a little FYI before you spend that hard earned cash.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.
Everyone needs a hug.