Combo Box
UPDATED: Matthew Pennell pointed out how our combo box solution is lacking in a few areas. For starters, it only accepts one className and the tabIndex just wasn’t functioning properly. After we read snook’s article on the subject, we updated the combo box script and now you can use multiple classNames.
ON DECK: Fixing the tabIndex is proving to be more difficult than it should be. Basically, Firefox doesn’t like tabindexes, and IE’s iframes are throwing tantrums. Eh.
Google Workout Tracker
UPDATED: Two changes. As all of our friendly Safari readers are quick to point out, our gMap Workout Tracker crashes their browser. We thought we would be able to find a fix fairly quick, but we haven’t. For now, we had to put in a simple browser detect to keep it from loading in Safari and dropping all the stuff you were doing in your browser.
We have, however, updated the distance function. Tim’s sorry 12 mph pace is now the much more accurate 17mph. A big thank ya goes out to Steve Conniff for emailing us the code to correct the problem.
Lots of improvements to the markup and Textpattern. We’re running Release Client 4 right now and everything seems to be good. All but two of our plugins didn’t make it through the upgrade and we’ve started making plans to upgrade to RC 5. We’ll let you know how it goes.
RSS Feeds
We’ve added feeds for rss and atom for all entries, just notebook and just features for those looking for additional ways to have their Particletree information served. You can find them in the archives page.

You may want to hold on a few days for your Textpattern upgrade. Dean hinted that 1.0 would be released this week…
Ah, excellent, excellent. Thanks Michael.